Business payments under the hood
Collect and make payments
Get paid and pay your expenses fast with EU, local GB and international payments.
Mutlicurrency account in 14 currencies
You can exchange, pay and get paid in many currencies including EUR, GBP, USD, CHF, BRL, HKD, CNY, SGD, AED, ZAR, DKK, CZK, NOK and PLN.
Visa for instant business shopping
Pay your business expenses as soon as they arise and instantly
Merchant services

Scale your payments globally.
Some things you can rely on
With Montify you get a payment account and something more
  • Remote, easy and fast account opening
  • Internet banking and mobile payments
  • SEPA, BACS, Faster Payment and BACS payments
  • Unique GB IBAN
  • Visa
  • Increased data protection
  • Bank Level security
  • Licensed payment institution from the UK
  • Human support
How it works?
How it works?
Fill-in a sign-up form
We need some general information on your company corporate structure and geography of business
Who is behind the company?
We need to know who is behind the company – its directors and owners.
What’s your business?
Tell us how you earn money, typical questions include: what, where, how, how many, and to whom
Wait for 2 days
We work hard to make this waiting time even shorter
Let’s work together, partner!
You are all set and ready to go.
Global is new local and
for business too
14 supported currencies and 4 payment schemes.
Card linked to your business account
The easiest way to pay for your instant purchases or to get cash from your business account from anywhere in the world (there are some restrictions though). We can grant an unlimited number of cards linked to a business account.
Stay connected everywhere
Do your international business from anywhere via our web interface. We do not require you to go to a branch, as there isn’t one.
Solid Rock
Mostly UK and EU businesses with relatively simple business models
Monthly fee
from €2
Sheer Cliff
International business or complex businesses
Monthly fee
from €2
Get your business account
up and running in 3-5 days
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